Competition Regulations

General Provisions

  • International Architectural Award 2024 deals with architecture and interior design of residential and public constructions.   

  • The competition has been established and organized by STYLE magazine and Association of Architects. The competition is open for professionals, involved in architecture and design spheres.   

  • Both realized projects and interesting architectural ideas can be presented for participation in the competition.   

  • The competition aims at identification of the best projects and promotion of architects / designers, contributing to development of architecture in Georgia.   

  • Architects winning in this or that nomination of the competition, receive International Architectural Award 2024.   

  • Competition nominations are approved by the  Professional Panel of Judges and competition organizers.   

International Architectural Award 2024 nominations are as follows:  

  • Single-family house (realized) 

  • Block of Apartments / Residential Complex (realized) * 

  • Residential interior (realized) 

  • Public construction (realized) * 

  • Public interior (realized) *

  • Reconstruction / Restoration (realized) *

  • Landscape architecture (realized) 

  • The best student project *

  • Architectural project  (Building or Complex) *

  • City planning  project 

  • Furniture design (realized) 

Attention news!

 1. * - If several (more than three) groups of objects of the same purpose are identified among the works uploaded for competition in the marked nominations, then these objects will be evaluated separately according to sub-nominations.

For example: in the nomination - "Public construction (realized)"- due to the same purpose of the entered objects and their quantitative (more than three) indicators, this nomination can be presented as sub-nominations: nomination - "Best Hotel", nomination - "Best Office Building"  etc.

This also applies to other marked nominations.

International Architectural Award 2024 prizes are as follows: 

    • Diploma   

    • Competition symbol – miniature sculpture   

    • Project supporter / sponsor prize 

  • The competition is run by the Organizingrn Committee, which comprises the founders and organizers of the competition and works in accordance with pre-defined conditions.
     At the current competition, Organizing Committee also includes winners of International Architectural Awards 

Panel of Judges includes:   

  • International Professional Panel   

  • Public opinion 

 The projects will be evaluated on the following criteria: 

- Form;

- Function;

- Environmental friendliness;

- Innovation;

- Conceptuality;

- Synchronization with reality (adaptation). 

Competition Timelines  

  • The Organizing Committee shall make an advance announcement of competition terms (from July 20, 2024).  

  • Competition announcement shall include the following information:   
    • Current competition nomination;   

    • Application terms;   

    • Prize pool.   

  • Competition announcement is publicized by means of Association of Architects information service.  

 Competition Process

  • Competition applications are published at International Architectural Award 2024 website and reviewed by the Organizing Committee.   

  • Application screening involves three stages:   

- Review of presented projects by the organizing committee;

- The international jury evaluates the projects selected by the organizing committee and  identifies the 2, 3 or 4 best projects in each nomination;

- Awarding the winning nominees.

The award-winning projects will be featured in STYLE Magazine.

The winning projects shall be displayed at a specially organized exhibition, and Featured in television, radio and press. 


Conclusive Provisions

  • Competition organizers may modify competition  terms, but shall inform the participants in advance about any such modifications.   

  • In case if competition timelines are changed, participants will receive respective notices in writing.   


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