Participation terms

General Description The competition aims at:

  • Development and dissemination of advanced urban planning, architecture, design technologies and stylistics;

  • Fostering of development of residential and public architecture in a wider, international context; 

  • Integration of Georgian architecture in the international architectural community; 

  • Promotion of the best projects, incorporating modern technologies and design solutions. 

The competition is open for architects and designers, forming the modern stylistics of architecture and interior design and offering innovative urban planning projects.

Competition Terms

  • International Architectural Award 2024  is by large intended for the professionals; 

  • Competition participants can submit an unlimited quantity of projects and take part in several nominations at a time; 

  • As per the regulations of International Architectural Award 2024, competition participants are approved following the initial screening of competition works; 

Competition works should be submitted until September 6, 2024 at 24:00, via e-mail and published at the competition website.

  • Competition applications are published at International Architectural Award 2024 website and reviewed by the Organizing Committee.   

  • Application screening involves three stages:   

- Review of presented projects by the organizing committee;

- The international jury evaluates the projects selected by the organizing committee and  identifies the 2, 3 or 4 best projects in each nomination;

- Awarding the winning nominees.

Winners of International   Architectural Award 2024 are identified by Professional Panel of Judges and public members. Composition of the Professional Panel is approved by association of Architects Organizing Committee, organizer of International Architectural Award 2024.

Competition works will be evaluated using a special code system; each competition work will be provided with a unique identification number and be made available for the public through competition website.

Professional Members and public Members of Judges of International Architectural Award 2024 will award represented materials from 1 to 10 points by secret vote, singling out the best work in every nomination.

- Professional Panel members have one vote.

- In case if a range of competition works includes a project by a member of International Professional Panel, then such a person does not have a right to vote for his own work (in the opposite case his vote will be cancelled).

- Evaluation/voting results will be counted automatically, identifying the prize-winning competition work.

- Authors of the competition works will be announced and published on the website only after the votes are counted.

- Decision on the final results of the competition, based on voting results and distribution of competition points, is subject to approval by the Organizing Committee of International Architectural Award 2024. Competition winning projects will be featured in STYLE Magazine.

Promotion of competition-wining projects includes:

  • An exhibition, dedicated to the Award Ceremony; 

  • Television, radio and mass-media coverage; 

  • Announcement of competition winners at the Award Ceremony. 

Prize pool of International Architectural Award 2024 comprises the following prizes for nomination laureates:

  • Diploma; 
  • Competition symbol – miniature sculpture; 
  • For participants of different nominations as identified by competition sponsors and supporters, Special diplomas 

To the attention of competition participants:

  • Any nomination of International Architectural Award 2024 will be cancelled if the quantity of competition works under this nomination does not exceed three. 

  • The authors of each project to be published at the website must be clearly identified in the application. 

  • In case if mass media expresses interested in the competition project or its author, the person in question should be ready to providern his comments or give an interview. 

An exhibition of the best projects in each nomination will be arranged at award ceremony of Architectural Award 2024.

Nomination winners will be contacted in advance as regards production of presentation materials. 

The organizers can change competition terms, though competition participants should be informed about any change in advance.



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